somecognition :: a pondering of all things un-final.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

this night

so its 3:15 or so in the a.m.
i just got home, i was working on a presentation that my boss and I have to make on monday in green bay. i'm tired.

however that's as close to complaining as i get. i had tons of fun.
something about my work, something about the vision from the layer above that makes me want to work. work is not "work" - its a platfrom for friends, worship, capital, laughs, moments that freak you out, scare you, all for His sake. pretty cool.

what i want to do now is head to the mts, but it looks like i may be sleeping instead.

oh cool.
i just flipped it on espn2 and they are showing Lebron school the spurs.

1 comment:

Garrett said...

have fun up there. . . hope ya don't freeze!