somecognition :: a pondering of all things un-final.

Friday, December 14, 2007

on the way to the coffee pot

the philosophical understanding that we exist to not only pursue knowledge of the above but also to understand it in context of every day social dynamics as it pertains to my being within the sphere that I know to be true suggested through empirical evidence that must be subjected to the law of; non-contradiction , excluded middle, and identity, making one sure that coffee can truly be poured and enjoyed.

cream please.

i am in a good spot right now. haven't been in this good of "spot" in at least a year. i can't describe some of my recent affinities and new distastes, however they are poignant and pressing. these affinities rearrange my mind and these distastes draw me nearer still to a God who loves me both in the spot and out of the spot.
I of course would rather be in the spot than out; i sleep better, both goofier and more professional, make better eye contact, less fidgety, amongst some other spiritual things.

I find the fruit of the following in 2 Cor.
I am enjoying my time here, no rush for it to pass- however I have found my self out of the spot so often it is glaring when i am in it.
more of a reason to drink more coffee.

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