somecognition :: a pondering of all things un-final.

Friday, March 02, 2007

in asheville

work brought me to NC for a night, so I decided to stay an extra and hit up Asheville. I have gotten the travel bug as of late, this is the longest stint since 2004 w/o going over seas - so I am trying to get it where I can. It's not the same, but it is a shadow of such adventures.
I am in a great coffee shop that is playing some Sitar music, so I think they knew i was coming. Tons of pubs, old book stores, mts. all around, and hippies - this is my kind of town. I am a closet hippie.

today brings
"we shall not seek to understand in order that we may believe, but to believe in order that we may understand" - aw tozer
This is "bass aackwards" in my thinking. I take the tangible approach to thought, called pragmatism, often times. While this may be respected in many schools and thought logical in many discussions, it leaves the heart tired. Having to figure everything out before one can walk the actual path that the thought produces leaves one reclined in their chair always pondering and never doing. The fact is I don't understand anything completely. While I sit at this table, on my computer, drinking coffee - there about a thousand things at work that I don't quite understand; from 2nd law of thermodynamics to the physics behind the composite wood of the table, it is all beyond me. I think faith to be an exploration of things unknown, however it is something different - it is an exploration of all things because all things are unknown, when thinking things known, one must not be thinking about things at all - it is only the "normal" things that leave us thinking them known - while all the while they were never known or "normal," just grown accustomed to. One may see the sunset 365 x 25 years and still not fathom all that is at work, I seldom pause and/or wonder - rather I roll over to close the blinds because it disrupts my sleep.

1 comment:

Arnold said...

What does a guy have to do to be listed in your "My Friends" section?