somecognition :: a pondering of all things un-final.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rumor has it....Opium

so I thought it somewhat strange when someone told me how the Taliban funded their wars via opium sales. While I cant quite nail down any information that confirms that - I can tell there is something going on. If it's true thats pretty crazy that islam extremists find if okay to sell opium. below is some brief information found from wikipedia.

Opium poppies have traditionally been grown in Afghanistan, and, with the war shattering other sectors of the economy, it became the number one export of the country.

The Taliban have provided an Islamic sanction for farmers ... to grow even more opium, even though the Koran forbids Muslims from producing or imbibing intoxicants. Abdul Rashid, the head of the Taliban's anti-drugs control force in Kandahar, spelled out the nature of his unique job. He is authorized to impose a strict ban on the growing of hashish, `because it is consumed by Afghans and Muslims.` But, Rashid told me without a hint of sarcasm, `Opium is permissible because it is consumed by kafirs in the West and not by Muslims or Afghans.`[103]

But in 2000 the Taliban banned opium production, a first in Afghan history. In 2000, Afghanistan's opium production still accounted for 75% of the world's supply. On July 27, 2000, the Taliban again issued a decree banning opium poppy cultivation. According to, by February 2001, production had been reduced from 12,600 acres (51 km²) to only 17 acres.[104]north Waziristan in 2003 they immediately banned poppy cultivation and punished those who sold it.[citation needed] When the Taliban entered

Another source claims opium production was cut back by the Taliban not to prevent its use but to shore up its price, and thus increase the income of poppy farmers and revenue of Afghan tax collectors.[105]

However, with the 2001 US/Northern Alliance expulsion of the Taliban, opium cultivation has increased in the southern provinces liberated from the Taliban control,[106] and by 2005 production was 87% of the world's opium supply,[107] rising to 90% in 2006.[108]

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Have to admit I am pretty excited about this film....some are calling it propaganda, but what isnt?
Defined: "
information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause."
It's even propaganda to define propaganda......kills me how most people's arguments break down after simple logical tests.

See more here

Monday, January 28, 2008

bad day?

chances your day was not as bad as this dood's - Link Here
I have lost some $ before, even other people's $$ - but never $7 billion.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

this or that

A saint or a brute: that, ultimately, is the only choice, and everyone, sooner or later, consciously or unconsciously opts for one or the other" - Richard Baxter
sounds extreme, sounds emotional, sounds a bit irrational.
however thanks to logic it is completely rational.(Law of Excluded Middle; everything must either be or not be)
fuzzy spiritualists promoting self will continue till the end of time to promote moderation as not only the means but also the end. i can see moderation being a means in many areas of life, but never the end. so it is with roy, that these thoughts cause much turmoil. i often find myself between this brute and this saint - which ultimately means i am on the side of the brute. wearing their colors and fighting their wars my conscience atrophies.
i believe both christ and community calm the chaos caused by the poles represented here.

here i sit
at inman perk coffee, a great place if you are looking to get away from some bustle and settle in with some great coffee. all atlanta people should visit.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


i am slacking some on posts right now, been a little busy and been a little sick. headed to vegas for a few, which always means i have time to think on the plane. hoping to have a blog when i get back.

Friday, January 04, 2008


if i could, i would
i would run as far as my legs would let me
i would look back
i would fret knowing no grace live there
i would wail having no one to love or love me
i would never forget what i left
i would forget what i never left
i would never stop running

scared i would be
hate i would feel
love i would never feel

turmoil my soul
lost my soul
silent my soul

- - - -

1st Timothy
18Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight, 19holding on to faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith. 20Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme.

I am very conscious of the opportunity I have to make a shipwreck of my faith. I am in deep prayer that He keep my rudder steady and sails in good form.